The Spanish Center for Sustainable and Responsible Finance (FINRESP) was born in 2019, and was formed by the AEB (Spanish Banking Association), CECA (Association of Retail Banks and Savings Banks), INVERCO (Association of Collective Investment Institutions and Pension Funds), UNACC (National Union of Credit Cooperatives), UNESPA (Spanish Union of Insurance and Reinsurance Entities) and its 490 associated entities. Since its creation, FINRESP has been part of the United Nations Financial Centers for Sustainability (FC4S) network, and was created to materialize the commitments assumed by the financial sector with respect to the main ESG challenges and transformations required by the Spanish and European economy and society.


Our purpose is to increase the awareness of economic agents and Spanish society of the challenges and opportunities that sustainable development brings with it, constituting itself as an agent of change towards a new economic, social and environmental paradigm.



In 2022, investment and pension funds promoting social and environmental initiatives mobilized more than 103 billion euros.